
What is the cost of website design in Kolkata?

cost of website desing in kolkata

In need of expert website design assistance in Kolkata? You’ve arrived at the ideal location! Effective digital marketing in the current digital environment revolves around high-quality website design. It takes time and experience to become an expert in website design, which is a difficult and demanding undertaking. A large number of experts with a focus on website design in Kolkata have solid technical backgrounds and have dedicated a great deal of time to perfecting their craft.

The creation of websites has become an essential and affordable marketing strategy in the current day. You don’t need to go any further if you’re looking for conventional and expert web design services in Kolkata. Our team of professionals at VS Deglitch Technologies has a wealth of expertise and experience creating unique and customized websites for customers in Kolkata and other regions.

Do you require Kolkata website design services? We would be ecstatic to build your company a remarkable web presence that will enable it to reach new heights.

Because we change with the times and the fast-paced world, the scope of our services is boundless. Among our offerings are:

•             Superior Online Content

•             Design that responds

•             Suitable for mobile

•             Expert Web Design

•             Speed of Web Pages

•             Inspired by a brand

•             Web Accessibility

•             Integration of Social Media

Cost of Building a Website Design in Kolkata


WordPress Design Package: INR: 9,999

Ideal for start-ups or home-based businesses, this package is ideal for basic small company website creation.


•             7 No of Theme-Based Pages

•             5 Email IDs

•             1 Free Domain

•             1GB of free hosting

•             Responsive Layout

•             Home Page Header Slideshow

•             Clear CTAs (call-to-action)

•             Online Contact Form


Design Package: INR: 14,999

For typical mid-size companies, website development bundles


•             11 No of Theme-Based Pages

•             10 Email IDs

•             1 Free Domain

•             1GB of free hosting

•             Responsive Layout

•             Home Page Header Slideshow

•             Clear CTAs (call-to-action)

•             Online Contact Form

•             Photo Galleries


Design Package: INR: 21,999

Comprehensively designed and analyzed website development solutions for businesses.


•             20 No of Theme-Based Pages

•             5 Email IDs

•             1 Free Domain

•             1GB of free hosting

•             Responsive Layout

•             Home Page Header Slideshow

•             Clear CTAs (call-to-action)

•             Online Contact Form

•             Photo Galleries

•             Logo Design


Building a website is essential if you believe you can thrive in today’s marketing landscape. Don’t remain passive; custom website design can transform your local brick-and-mortar business into a global brand.

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